A wild update appeared!
The group has been cracking on, trying to get our final story/script nailed down, before we move into full scale visual development. The boys are working on assets and environment designs as I speak, and I'm taking charge of the new storyboard/animatic. But I figured you all need an update as to where we've been so far.
First of all, we had a couple of ideas, both basically about a couple, falling out during a car ride. The idea was to capture those little, awkward moments that bickering couples go through, when confined in a small, unescapable space together. I think every couple can relate, and it was going to be a great exercise in body language and subtle facial animation, but the idea was deemed to little for a group of 3 to tackle. anyway, here's our initial ideas.
A young couple take their first holiday together...
A newly married couple leave for their honeymoon.
After ditching the car idea, we still wanted to explore the fallings out of a young couple, so we expanded the idea, and went for a more, comedic version...
Almost there, but it wasn't flowing, so we trimmed the fat as it were.
And here we are. Expect a nice shiney animatic up in the next couple of days.
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