Monday, 12 December 2011

Shot Analysis part 3

Neuro Linguistic Programming, or NLP, refers to the way a person, or characters eyes move according to what they are thinking/ situation they may be in.

The above diagram explains the basic principles. Example, if a person is asked to remember something visual, like the colour of the carpet in their old bedroom, more than likely, their eyes will dart to the upper left, as they recall the old carpet in their memory.

Using these cues, and other forms of eye darting, are a great way to add that extra edge of believability to our animation.

The above image shows Hiccup trying to explain his reasoning for not fighting dragons to his father, by thinking of other jobs besides dragon fighting, (such as bread making or home repair). If we compare his glances to the NLP chart from above, it indicates he is imagining visually, basically, imagining other jobs besides dragon fighting. These upward eye darts, partnered with Hiccups nervous glances at his father, and generally flustered, fidgety performance, really bring home to the audience what an awkward, "unviking-like" teen Hiccup is.

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