Monday, 31 October 2011

"Er... Excuse me?!" wip renders

A second character needs to be added, bumping into our guy in image 2.

Posing excercise, sketches - "Er... Excuse me?!" and "What's in There?"

Initial sketches for our next posing exercise. I like to work losely on a single page, throw all my ideas together and see what emerges.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Balls updated

Okay, rotation has been added, both balls animated, i think a bit more needs adding when the balls come to a stop, maybe rock back slightly instead of stopping dead, but good progress I feel.

Ball early test

Early tests for the bouncing ball exercise. The tennis ball.

No rotation added yet. A few timing issues at the top of the balls arcs need to be addressed, and the golf ball of course needs animating.


My Staging presentation from last week.


Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Pendulum Test 2

Further tweaks to the opening and finishing swings. Still more to do, but getting there.

Pendulum first test.

The first test for this weeks pendulum assignment.

Bothe the second and final set of swings need attention, something about how the momentum of the the pendulum as it peters out just doesn't feel quite right yet.